Learn and Laugh
about people in their 70's
“This Book Could Be About You and Your Friends, or Your Parents or Your Grandparents”, says Bea.

A Book Filled With Humor & Nostalgia

Bring It On… We're In Our 70's is my book filled with humor and nostalgia about the lives of the lucky ones experiencing life during their 70s. Nobody likes being called a senior citizen or pegged as a golden ager, old fogey, old-timer or an old fart. I try to put these monikers to rest in my book about septuagenarians.
Hundreds of interviews are laced to give the reader a glimpse of the lucky ones between 70-80. If you are a septuagenarian, you probably remember playing hopscotch and mumblety-peg and landing on the moon. I have asked many of the persons interviewed what they feared the most, and I also asked some if they are still working. Their answers to these particular questions are all over the place.
If you are an early septuagenarian, you would be considered a "baby boomer," If you were born from the mid-20s to about 1945, you would carry the moniker of "silent generation." No matter who won the presidential election of 2016, the country would have a septuagenarian as POTUS. People interviewed could remember the songs from the fifties but did not know the words to any current music. Most could remember psychedelic art but not where they put their keys. I feel comfortable in saying you will enjoy each chapter in the book as much as I have enjoyed writing about this milestone in my life and the lives of the people I have interviewed directly and indirectly.
Book Talks and Signings

Thursday June 27th Bea spoke about her book to a crowded room at the Lunch Bunch event at Temple Beth Shalom, New Albany, Oh.
It was the first of many more book talks and book signings

Bea had a successful book signing at the Gramacy Book Store in Bexley, Oh
More Book Talks & Signings
- October 23rd Gardner presented her book “Bring It On…We’re In Our 70’s” to the Lunch and Learn group at the JCC in Columbus, OH.
- Gardner spoke to attentive crowds in Louisville, KY and Akron, Oh The Q&A sessions after her talks were very interesting .
- Lunch and Learn at JCC in Columbus, OH
- A fun time was had by all at the book signing event held at the home of Jay and Alla Kramer on November 16th.
- Book talks at Temple Beth Shalom in New Albany, OH and Temple Beth Shalom in Vero Beach, FL.

- The book signing event with the Main Street organization in Vero Beach was interesting. A table was set up on the sidewalk in front of the Main Street office and a gentleman with a guitar presented the crowd with singing. I guess you would call it “singing and signing”
Close to eighty seniors attended the potluck dinner at Blendon Township Senior Center featuring author Bea Gardner talking about her book,
Bring It On…We’re In Our 70’s.